
OrionVM is partnered with Comet Backup to provide a seamless Backup-as-a-Service solution for file-level, application, and Disk Image backup. OrionVM BaaS is backed by OrionVM Object Storage.

To gain access to the OrionVM Backup-as-a-Service Portal, or to request an individually branded Portal for your sub-reseller, please contact your nominated account manager or the OrionVM support email address.

Comet Server on OrionVM

Each branded BaaS Portal is provisioned by OrionVM upon request, and comes pre-configured to point backup data to a unique bucket on OrionVM Object Storage via the Comet Server. This is authenticated using unique S3 credentials.

Comet Server Configuration

Full Documentation for Comet Server Configuration can be found on the Comet Backup website here.

Comet Server Usage

Full Documentation for Comet Server Usage can be found on the Comet Backup website here.