
This category includes panels related to resources management for sub-resellers and organizations.


Regions are where Instances physically run. This screen allows for viewing of available regions and allowing or disallowing regions for use by end users.

Viewing Regions

The Regions screen allows for enabling and disabling regions for end users to create resources in, and can be enabled/disabled by clicking the icon on the right, or by right clicking the region, and selecting Enable or Disable. Region detail columns include:

Column Description
Name user friendly identifier showing where the region is located (for example, Sydney)
State indicates whether or not the region is enabled for end users
Actions the ⚙ Actions menu button which allows for toggling region availability

The different columns can be sorted by clicking on the column heading. Searching is also enabled, through the magnifying glass icon on the right.

Note: Disabling a region will not affect any resources that have already been created in that region.


Networks are what allow your instances to communicate between each other and with the outside world.

Restricting Public Networking

Whether end users can allocate IP addresses from public networks can be enabled and disabled here. There are three commands available:

  • Change: Specify whether the enable or disable public networking.
  • Apply to children: This command recursively applies this setting to all child resellers.
  • Lock setting: This command locks this option from being changed by any child reseller. Once locked, it can be unlocked again through this command.

Viewing Inherited Public Networks

Under the Inherited public networks heading a list of public networks available to this reseller, inherited from parent resellers, is shown. Inherited public networks detail columns include:

Column Description
Region where instances using the network are physically located (for example, Sydney)
Name the name for the network
Specification the network address and subnet mask in CIDR notation (there can be multiple for each record)
IPs in Use / Free the number of IPs in use / the number of IPs free
State whether or not the network is enabled (applies to all children as well as users of this reseller)
Actions the ⚙ Actions menu button which allows for toggling whether it is enabled or disabled and deleting or configuring options in the case of custom public networks

Networks can be enabled/disabled by clicking the icon on the right, or by right clicking the network, and selecting Enable or Disable.

When selecting a row, each specification relating to that row will appear underneat, displaying the specification, gateway, nameservers and IPs in use/Free.

The different columns can be sorted by clicking on the column heading. Searching is also enabled, through the magnifying glass icon on the right.

Creating, Viewing and Editing my Public Networks

Under the My public networks heading, any public networks created by this reseller are shown. The details shown are the same as what is shown under Inherited public networks.

Custom public networks can be added through the Add button at the bottom, and by entering the relevant details for the custom network, these being:

  • the subnet range in CIDR format
  • the default gateway
  • the nameservers

Multiple of these networks can be put under the one record (through the Add subnet option in the popup).

Networks can be enabled/disabled by clicking the icon on the right, or by right clicking the network, and selecting Disable. They can also be deleted or configured in the same manner (by selecting the relevant item).

The different columns can be sorted by clicking on the column heading. Searching is also enabled, through the magnifying glass icon on the right.

Disk Templates

Templates are used by end users to quickly deploy instances preconfigured with an operating system, such as Ubuntu.

Viewing Inherited Templates

The Templates screen allows for enabling or disabling use of templates for use by end users. Template detail columns include:

Column Description
Region the region the template is associated with
Name identifier for the template
Slug identifier for use in the api
Recommended virtualization the default type of virtualization the template uses
Minimum Disk Space the minimum disk space the Instance needs if using this template
State indicates whether or not this template is enabled
Actions the ⚙ Actions menu button which allows for toggling template availability

Templates can be enabled/disabled by clicking the icon on the right, or by right clicking the template, and selecting Enable or Disable.

The different columns can be sorted by clicking on the column heading. Searching is also enabled, through the magnifying glass icon on the right.

Creating, Viewing and Editing User Templates

When users publish templates, they will end up here for approval. Approval can be granted/taken away by clicking the icon on the right, or by right clicking the template, and selecting Enable or Disable.

Performance Tiers

Performance tiers represent different performance levels that Instances and disks run on. All Instances and disks created by end users run on one of these tiers.

Viewing Performance Tiers

Performance tiers are separated into disk and instance performance tiers, and the Performance Tiers screen allows for enabling or disabling performance tiers for use by end users. The performance tiers detail columns include:

Column Description
Region the region this performance tier is attached to (for example, Sydney)
Name identifier for this performance tier
State whether or not this performance tier is enabled for use by end users
Actions the ⚙ Actions menu button which allows for toggling performance tier availability

Performance tiers can be enabled/disabled by clicking the icon on the right, or by right clicking the performance tier, and selecting Enable or Disable.

The different columns can be sorted by clicking on the column heading. Searching is also enabled, through the magnifying glass icon on the right.

Note: Disabling a performance tier will not affect any resources that have already been created in that tier.