Getting Started

This section introduces some basic functionality of OrionVM, so you can get up to speed quickly. You'll log in, allocate your first cloud instance, and boot.

Logging In

Upon successful account creation (see Registration), you can log in and begin provisioning cloud resources. The login screen is always at

Creating Your First Instance

Upon successful login, you're presented with the Dashboard screen. This includes information about provisioned resources on your account, as well as the option to provision a new instance.

Click the Launch Instance button, which will redirect you to the Instances screen listed under Compute from the sidebar. You'll then be presented with the New Instance screen, where you can provision a new instance.

As can be seen, the New Instance screen is split into three columns, which are:

  1. System: This details the specifics of the instance, how much memory/cores are allocated, what tier to use, what ssh keys to attach, and some advanced options.
  2. Disks: The disks to be used by this instance. This usually consists of a boot disk and any other disks you wish to add.
  3. Networking: This specifies which networks your instance is connected to (private and public).

For the purposes of this getting started section, we'll leave most of the options as default. Name your new instance by clicking the clipboard button next to "New Instance" at the top of the dialog. By default a boot disk with a template will already be attached, and can be changed by selecting the down arrow key underneath the boot disk.

Once you've defined your requirements, click Create to create the instance (alternatively click Create and Start to create and start the instance).

Booting Your First Instance

Now that you've provisioned a new instance, you can see it listed in the Instances screen. Note the State column lists the instances as Stopped. Once you've started an instance, this will turn to a Starting indicator, then Running when the instance is accessible.

To start an instance, click the ⚙ Actions menu icon next to your new instance, and choose Start. Once your instance is listed as Running, you can access it by clicking ⚙ Actions again, and clicking Launch Console.

And That's A Wrap

Congratulations, you've gone from defining cloud resources, to having a live, provisioned server. The following sections will explore this process further, including the Panel, user access control, storage, networking and other aspects of cloud server infrastructure.